Terrace Garden Designers in Delhi with exclusive terrace garden designs and exclusively customised outdoor product.
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"Studio Machaan is the brain child of our Founder & Director - Mr. Chirag Bhatia. He is an architect by profession with a passion for developing uniqueness with each project and creating spaces that speak for themselves.
He is the mind and heart behind Studio Machaan. He recognises the importance of green spaces and aims to bring the same tranquility to your very own homes, offices or commercial spaces with a touch of grandeur and luxury.
Ar. Chirag Bhatia
Founder & Director

Very early in its growing years Studio Machaan was fortunate to have on board a young & talented architect , having the zeal and enthusiasm required to spread the message of the company. With an active involvement in Design & Concept building , Ruhi heads the team of young green advocates working with Studio Machaan.
Ar. Ruhi Mathur
Managing Partner

Idea behind Studio Machaan is to establish an organised and structured methedology in the construction and design industry based on Five essential pillars:
One Point Contact
From conceptualisation and designing of Terrace Garden to on site execution our Relationship Manager will serve as a One Point Contact for the clients. This way client is relieved from communicating with numerous organizations involved in project execution. Relationship Manager shall address all queries of the clients and will be responsible for successful project completion.
Studio Machaan is committed towards execllence and paying sharp attention to quality of various processes, services and products involved in the project. Entire project is supervised and monitored with precision at each stage by our team of experts before final handover.
We ensure timely completion of the projects undertaken by us as we deliver at a pace which suits our customer’s needs and not our convenience
Studio Machaan ensures cost effective planning and desinging
Post Project Completion Service
We believe in creating a long term association with our clients which directs us to provide “Post Project Completion Service” in terms of addressing to client queries related to maintenance of the products installed and services provided by Studio Machaan.
Why Choose Us?

Our team of expert terrace garden designers give due consideration to aspects such as LBC of the structure,Windloads, Waterproofing, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Systems, Water Drainage, HVAC Systems, Security Systems, Lighting and Automation and other specialised areas involved in terrace garden design.

We believe in fusion of artistic approach and design. Our team of rooftop / terrace garden designers team creates designs that gravitates your space enhancing
the visual appeal of your terrace garden, adding elements of luxury and allowing you to bond with nature with panache.

We offer a diverse product catalogue to allow you to choose from an extensive range of best in class finishes for walls, floors and garden products / terrace products like terrace bar, pergola, machaan, fireplace, waterfall, fountains, outdoor furniture, sculptures, murals, outdoor lighting
and and many more features.